
At Champion Orthopaedic, our concern is to find a non-surgical solution if at all possible regarding orthopaedics for Olive Branch. Did you know 97% of patients’ problems are resolved without surgery? Our specialized staff uses state of the art equipment and proven, non-surgical methods to make sure you get the best care, promptly and professionally.

Same Day

Our goal get to see you fast and set you on the road to recovery as soon as possible – even in the same day! If you contact our office at (662) 420-7350 during business hours, our goal is to see you that very day, if at all possible. We do allow appointments, as well. Click here to find us or contact us online.

Patients 1st

Ask around. There is a reason Champion is one of the most sought after clinics for Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine. People all over the region have found out the difference – you don’t always have to have surgery to find a remedy for your pain. Let us find a way to help.

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Olive Branch's leader for bone and joint pain care
Orthopaedics for Olive Branch

Champion Ortho specializes in orthopaedics for Olive Branch, Southaven and Memphis including broken bones, sprained ankle, ultra-sound injections, x-ray, sports medicine and all bone related injury. Our main goal is to find an orthopaedic solution without involving surgery and to see you fast and efficiently.

We're designed with service in mind

When we designed our practice for orthopaedics in Olive Branch, MS, it was all with our patients’ convenience and care in mind. Our team makes it a priority to see you as fast as possible. Because, fast access means you get to start healing fast. Also, at Champion Orthopaedics, it’s our pleasure to cultivate a high level of trust and a good relationship with you. We enjoy getting to know our patients and their families, as we are investing in their good health. We’re looking forward to meeting you!